Episode 242: From Cookies to Cash: 3 Girl Scouts' Sales Strategies to Borrow

We can all agree: it’s TOO easy to eat a box of Girl Scout cookies in one sitting. So when Girl Scout cookie season rolls around, I try to avoid buying their cookies at all costs. But this season, as a savvy young Girl Scout in my neighborhood used her bag of sales tricks on me, it got me thinking about what sales tactics work and don’t work in the CPG world.

In this brief episode, you’lll hear…

🍪 The 3 easy sales tactics that you can borrow from this young seller for YOUR CPG sales

🍪 One of the missed opportunities for increased sales that you can capture

🍪 Plus more about my freebie to use with these tactics!

We want to see you share this episode with your fellow food founders.

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This episode is sponsored by our freebie workbook outlining 100 Buyer No’s. This workbook will walk you through prepping for any possible wholesale buyer objection and guide you in crafting a response that lets buyers know you are READY to get ON and sell OFF their shelf. It’s the perfect tool to have as you prepare for all your pitches. Find the free download here!