Episode 125: How To Overcome Overwhelm & Business Setbacks [2022 Goal Setting Mini-Series Episode 4/5]

You’ve set your goals, figured out which tactics you’ll implement first and then…. The doubt sets in. 

“How can I possibly set sales goals? I’ve never sold in this channel before!”

“I don’t know the first thing about hiring! I’m stuck!”

“I have NO IDEA what a placement deal is, or what I should offer.” 

Does that sound familiar? 

In today’s show, I’m sharing my business superpower that helps me move forward, despite the feelings of overwhelm, being stuck, or having no idea how to navigate a new business challenge that comes up. 

If you’re plagued by imposter syndrome, analysis paralysis, or plain ol’ fear of failure - you’ll want to tune in today!

And if you haven’t already, be sure to check out the first three parts of the 2022 Goal Setting Mini-series here:

Don’t forget: our Fourth Quarter Cohort of Retail Ready® is now enrolling, before we raise prices in January! 

Click here to watch our free masterclass on growing your food business (even during this holiday season!) and to understand exactly what we cover inside our course, coaching & community - plus how to join our Fourth Quarter cohort!